- Bill Weiss and Mark Richard with a Clark Fork Rainbow
- Bill Weiss with a Clark Fork Northern
- Rainbow Release on the Clark Fork
- Georgetown Lake Rainbow
- Upper Blackfoot Cutthroat
- Brilliant Blackfoot Cutthroat
- Clark Fork Rainbow
- Clark Fork Rainbow
- Clark Fork Rainbow
- Georgetown Lake Rainbow
- Blackfoot Betweem River Bend and Whitaker Bridge
- Upper Blackfoot
- Upper Blackfoot
- Upper Blackfoot
- Perfect Day on the Clark Fork looking for heads
- Cutties love the worm
- Final Day on the Blackfoot
- Georgetown Lake
- Georgetown Lake Rainbow
- Georgetown Lake
- Peter rigging up
- Howard Floating the Blackfoot
- Kurt helping Howard out
- Howard with a nice Blackfoot Cutthroat
- Getting ready on the first day
- Jeff wading the Blackfoot
- Kurt sighting fish on Georgetown Lake
- Blackfoot River
- Lunch on the Blackfoot
- Lunchtime on the Blackfoot
- Gearing up
- Cuttie was hungry
- Mark on the Blackfoot
- Peter Hill with a beautiful Rainbow
- Peter Hill Clark Fork Rainbow
- Blackfoot River